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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Things I forgot..

Rule no 1 -do not make a new pattern for your sottana the day before you intend to wear it...
No 2 - you are as good a seamstress as you want to be. Cutting corners may save you five minutes now, but it will irritate the hell out of you when you have to go back and fix it later.
No 3- you will run out if bobbin thread at the most unadvantageous moment -- wind two..
No 4- show me where its written you must use matching thread at all times. Whoever wrote that obviously doesnt have to unpick seams very often. White, black, and cream work perfectly fine.
No 5- if you are a big girl, dont think for a moment that heavy interlining alone will give you a picture perfect smooth conical shape. Sorry honey, gravity works both down and out.
No 6- all day sewing marathons are great. Stop to eat.
No 7- give the nine month old your tape measure if she wants it. You have six more.
No 8- procrastination is the mother of creativity in a pinch, but what can go wrong, will. Better have a back up plan...
No 9- ironing, pinning, lining, basting, clipping, and tacking are annoying. But it makes the job sooooooooooooooooo much easier.
No 10- measure twice. Measure again. Double check your figures. measure again. Cut once. Save yourself the headache of fixing bad measuring.
No 11- if the fabric will rip evenly, RIP!!
No 12- there is no such thing as checking facebook fast. Just leave it alone when you are crunched for time.
No 13- background noise is good, but make sure it's a movie you have seen plenty before.
No 14- going to the store for needed supplies on the middle us a pain.
No 15- if you want it bad enough, you'll figure out how to go on less than the hours sleep.


  1. I agree on so many of these things! Especially the cutting corners part. I used to do that often but now I put the time in. I no longer try to crunch out something super quick or day before.

    Can't wait to see what you're working on!

  2. Love the part about giving the baby the tape measure. It's so true and then she's helping Mama so a fit won't happen.

    The whole post reminds me of so many things I've done/not done/ had happen.

  3. Take care of you. That should be a rule, too.

    You are a very talented artist, and I'm looking forward to the day when you give yourself the time to make something you are justifiably proud of. You have the vision, you have the skill, you pay attention to the details - I would live to see you glow with pride over garb you mastered.
